Which iodine rich foods to avoid with Hyperthyroidism

Foods High in Iodine to Avoid with Hyperthyroidism


An overactive thyroid gland produces excessive amounts of thyroid hormones. Once these hormones circulate in the blood, hyperthyroidism results. What is the best way to cure or prevent hyperthyroidism? Can a healthy diet cure or prevent this disorder? The best way to alleviate hyperthyroidism symptoms is to start eating healthier foods . Here are the foods rich in iodine to avoid with hyperthyroidism.


Although iodine is an essential element for your thyroid to produce adequate thyroid stimulating hormones that your body needs, too much of intake of iodine-rich foods is not advised if you have hyperthyroidism.

  • Seaweed

One of the iodine-rich foods is seaweed, however, the amounts of iodine they contain vary. Consuming a 1-gram portion of seaweed can contain 11% to a huge 1,989% of your everyday percent value. Although it is the best food to avoid hyperthyroidism, daily intake of seaweed is not recommended. Taking too much iodine can be as harmful as taking less iodine. Health’s contributing nutrition editor, Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, recommends eating one fresh seaweed salad each week and avoid taking seaweed supplements and teas to avoid hyperthyroidism symptoms.

  • Dairy Products

Dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese (especially cheddar) are great sources of iodine. Milk is rich in iodine, too, as the milking process include iodine-based cleaners. To get 1/3 of your daily iodine requirements, take one cup of low-fat milk. Greek yogurt, low fat, and plain yogurts are also good sources of iodine, making up around 50% of your daily iodine intake. A slice of cheddar cheese gives you 12 mcg of iodine and 7 IU of Vitamin D.

  • Fish

One serving of a 3 oz. baked cod 99 mcg of iodine is good for your thyroid health. This gives you 66% of your daily recommended consumption. A 3 oz. serving of canned tuna gives you 17 mcg or 11% of your daily iodine intake.

  • Shellfish

Among the shellfish, lobster and shrimp are good iodine sources. About 4-5 pieces of shrimp (3 ounces) gives you more than 20% of your recommended iodine consumption.


  • Chicken and Beef

A serving of 3 oz. dark chicken meat contains 2.4 mg of iodine. On the other hand, a serving of 3 oz. beef contains 3 mg of iodine, while a serving of 3 oz. roasted beef chuck contains 7 mg of iodine.

  • Eggs

About 16% of iodine is present in one large egg. It also contains 20% selenium that your body needs in a day. It is recommended to eat one whole egg to get its full benefits.

  • Berries

The Nutrition Journal published a 2010 study that reveals berries contain antioxidants. Out of the 3,000 foods examined by researchers, blackberries, wild strawberries, cranberries, and goji berries are found to have high amounts of iodine.

  • Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolates, a compound that might affect the thyroid hormone production in high amounts. However, intake of normal size servings of cruciferous vegetables, like cauliflower and kale, will make your thyroid healthy. These foods are also essential to having a healthy diet. Just remember to cook them to release the enzymes related to glucosinolates.

Eating the recommended daily intake of iodine-rich foods is good for your health. Keep in mind the above foods rich in iodine to avoid hyperthyroidism and live a healthy lifestyle!